presentazioneprogrammapartecipantiposter scientificocontattiiscrizione

First National Congress on Osteopathic Medicine

"Scientists meet Osteopaths: towards a Systemic Medicine"

Con il Patrocinio:

Dipartimento di Malattie
Prof.Saverio Giovanni Condò

Università Tor Vergata
Master in Medicina Naturale
Prof. Saverio Giovanni Condò

Ordine Provinciale dei Medici
Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Roma

Registro degli Osteopati D'Italia
Pres.: D.O. Eduardo Rossi

Associazione Italiana per la Rieducazione Occluso-Posturale
Pres.: D.O. Eduardo Rossi

Centro delle Ricerche Olistiche per la Medicina Osteopatica e Naturale

Accademia Italiana di Terapia Osteopatica Posturale
Pres.: Ft. Giovanni Moccia





>>20th June 2008<<

15:00 – 19:00    Workshop and Poster's Session   

  • Session A                                 
    15.00-17.00      T.O.P. – Osteopathic-Postural Therapy
    Diagnosis (theory and practice) – “Syndrome disharmonieux” (pratica) 
    D.O. Philippe Caiazzo,  Ft. Giovanni Moccia and colleagues

    17.00-19.00       Connective Tissue and Complexity:
    Harmonic Technique in Osteopathy
    Dr. Paolo Tozzi – Dr. Daniele Della Posta
  • Session B                                

    15.00-17.00    Approach to the Cranial Base for Vascular and Nervous System Influence
    Paolo Castagna – Alessandro Dall’Aglio

    17.00 - 19.00
    Cranio-Cervico-Mandibular Relation and C.A.O.S. Cefalometria Armonica Osteopatica Sistemica
    Dr. Domenico Diella -  Dr. Raffaele Frascella

  • Session C

       Poster Presentation with authors

Each School of Osteopathy is invited to present its own reasearch projects on Poster format. It will be possible to verbally present the Poster on previously booked  time-schedule. For each Poster presented, it will be given a “Certificate  of Presentation”.


>>21th June 2008<<

First Session         
"Education and Profession in Osteopathy" 
Integration between Osteopathic and Allopathic Medicine in Europe and Overseas:
Professional and Juridical Considerations                                
Session Chair                                                 Dr. Eduardo Rossi
Coordinator of the Rotunda Session           Dott. Paolo Zavarella

8.50-9.10   Introduction   –  (Dr. Paolo Zavarella)    
9.10-9.20  Opening and presentation of the International Guests  Prof. Ezio Benagiano, Prof. Gaetano Gigante, D.O. Viola Frymann, D.O. Jonathan Parson,
D.O. Renzo Molinari, D.O. Bernard Autet

9.20-9.45       Osteopathy in France            
(D.O. Bernard Aute)

9.45-10.00     Monothematic Session:
Osteopathy and Rehabilitation:
Clinical Trial in the Rehabilitation Centre of Reggio Emilia
D.O. Philippe Caiazzo

10.00-10.15    The new professions in the social-sanitary field      
(Armando Masucci)

10.15-10.30    Regulamentation of the osteopathic profession in Italy: prospectives and developments  (Eduardo Rossi)

10.30-10.45   Considerations of the osteopathic education in Italy
(Vincenzo Cozzolino)

10.45-11.00    Osteopathy and Research Abroad: preliminary Analysis   
(Dr. Paolo Tozzi)

11.00-11.30   COFFEE BREAK

Second Session    
"Osteopathic Medicine in Paediatrics: Clinic, Prevention, Rehabilitation"

Honorary Chair                                               (D.O. Viola Frymann)
Coordinator of Rotunda session                     (Dott. Silvana Boscarino)

    11.30-12.15    Monothematic Session:
    Introduction and Lectio Magistralis on the concept of Motion, Fundamentals on Osteopathic Practice and Philosophy

    12.15-12.30    Sindrome of Hypercinesia: medical considerations        (Dott.ssa Carla Marconi)

    12.30-12.45    Evidences of the Osteopathic Approach on the Syndrome of Infant Hyperactivity and Hypercinesia
    (Giacomo Lo Voi)

    12.45 - 13.10 Osteopathy and Rehabilitation: clinical evidence from Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù di Palidoro (O.P.B.G.) 
    Dr.ssa Silvana Boscarino - D.O. Pietro La Viola 13.10-13.30       ROUND TABLE   
    Round table with discussion between guests and chairmen with share of the public
    13.30-15.00      LUNCH15.00-15.15       Role of the treatment Osteopatico in to reduce the recidivists in patient pediatric affections from otite middle acute Experiences of a group of job School IIO / ISO
    Alberto Baggiani15.15-15.30      Overwiev of the possible pediatric problem list that lands to the treatment osteopatico: Rivisitazione of the casuistic afferente in the clinic university School IIO / ISO
    Matteo Turinetto

    15.30-15.45      End of Session

Third Session                 
"Clinical and Osteopathic Approach on Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunctions:  Prevention and Rehabilitation"

Session Chair                                                 (prof. Sandro Mandolesi)

Coordinator of Rotunda session                    (Daniele Della Posta, Paolo Tozzi)
15.45-16.00     " Neuraltherapy and Manual Therapy"
D.O. Daniele Della Posta – Dr. Liberti Marco

16.00-16.30    Pain and Mio-Funcional Mapping:
Clinical experience and research through instrumental and non-pharmaceutical treatment (M.A.M.)                                         
Prof. Sandro Mandolesi - Osteopata Alexandre Belloni 16.30-17.00     Monothematic Session
The Osteopathic Profession, Education and Research in Russia  D.O. Larisa Lasovetskaya17.00-17.30     BREAK

17.30-18.00    Osteopathic Approach to Essential Cardiac Arrhythmias    
Dr. Antonino De Francesco - D.O. Rino Girardi

18.00-18.30    Monothematic Session  
Tensegrity: a possible conceptual model to Osteopathy

D.O. Jonathan Parson (with translation from the English in the room

18.30-19.00       ROUND TABLE Discussion  

19.00-19.10       End of Session   

>> 22th June 2008 <<

Forth Session
"The Osteopathic Approach in Odontoiatrics cranio-cervico-mandibular dysfunctions:
preventions and rehabilitation"

Session Chair                                                 (Saverio Condò)

Coordinator of Rotunda session                    (Francesco Pachì)

9.00-9.15     Introduction           (Francesco Pachì)  

9.15-9.30    Clinical experience in Odontoiatrics
(Francesco Pachì)

9.30-09.45   Cranial state and ortognatic cranio-cervico-mandibular relation     
(Caterina Asmone)

9.45-10.00   CAOS Method: Systemic and harmonic Osteopathic Cefalometry
(Raffaele Frascella)

10.00-10.15    Byte D.R.O.P.: Osteopathic and Ortognatic Approach to cranio-cervico-mandibular dysfunction
(Paolo Zavarella)

10.15-10.30     Occlusal Balancing: preliminary analisis
(Dr. Alessandro Nanussi – Dr. Alessandro Beraldi)
10.30-10.45     Dysfunctional Syndrome:Tinnitus and osteopathic approach   
Dr. Maurizio Zanardi

10.45-11.00       Monothematic Session:
Dr. Davide Bongiorno          11.00-11.30       Coffee break

11.30-11.45       Monothematic Session:
Osteopathic approach to somathic dysfunction: clinical experience          
Dr. D.O. Pietro Cascianelli
11.45-12.15       Monothematic Session:
D.O. Paul Chauffour12.15-12.45       Monothematic Session:
Chronic Pelvic Pain: Osteopathic Approach

D.O. Renzo Molinari

12.45    13.10    Rotunda session and Discussion

13.10-13.20       readings of the elaborated Research protocols  
Dr. Paolo Zavarella

13.20-13.30       Conclusions           
Prof. Ezio Benagiano - D.O. Bernard Autet

Appendix to the Congress

14:30-16:30          “Conversations” on the future Integration of Osteopathic Medicine at clinical, educational, and research level in Europe
                           D.O. Bernard Autet
                           D.O. Renzo Molinari
                           D.O. Jonathan Parson
                           D.O. Viola Fryman
                           D.O. Jean Pierre Hyspa
                           D.O. Paul Chaffour (in attesa di conferma)
                           D.O. Larisa Lasovetskaya
The event will be accredited by the Ministery of Education (CPD credits) through GLM Edizioni and Provider A.I.R.O.P.
The event is also validated by the System of Quality UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 through Provider A.I.R.O.P. (T.Ü.V.)


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